
APCUG’s Reports is a quarterly publication of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups. Reports contains information about the activities of APCUG and related opportunities including meeting ideas, fundraising information, region reports about member groups, and much more.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, the opinions expressed in any article or column are those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent an official position of, or endorsement by, APCUG.

APCUG is an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 association and is not affiliated in any way with any vendor or equipment manufacturer.


APCUG Q1 and Q2 2024 Spring Report

  • (Details coming soon)


APCUG Q4 2023 Fall Report

  • (Details coming soon)

APCUG Q3 2023 Summer Report

  • (Details coming soon)

APCUG Q2 2023 Spring Report

  • Advisors are your communication link
  • Let your Advisor know what you would like to see in Reports
  • Update your officer information
  • Info for members going on vacation

APCUG Q1 2023 Winter Reports

  • 2023 Membership Renewal Contest Winners
  • 2023 APCUG Officer Elections
  • informIT® User Group Program
  • Are your members taking advantage of these discounts?

APCUG Q4 2022 Fall Reports

  • Meeting ideas in the Region reports
  • Ideas for finding volunteers
  • Starting something new for 2023 – a virtual Help Desk
  • Meet our new groups
  • Social Media security tips
  • Various tips in Gabe Goldberg’s General Articles

APCUG_Q3_Summer_2022 Reports

  • Region Reports
  • Meeting Ideas
  • PR business cards
  • Surveys
  • Thank you to members
  • Renewed member party
  • How-tos, Tips & Tricks for member groups
  • October – Cybersecurity Awareness Month

APCUG Q2 2022 Spring Reports

  • Welcome to the Leisure World Apple Club
  • WPCUG offers a one-year membership to those in APCUG-member groups for a discounted rate of $10 for one year
  • Don’t Leave Non-Zoomers Out/Behind! Run Hybrid meetings
  • How Does Anything New Ever Happen?
  • Use PayPal for easy renewals, buy door prize tickets, etc.
  • Sarasota Technology Users Group and Venice Technology Users Group MERGE
  • Advisor Region Reports = new meeting ideas
  • Tech Tips
  • Apple Tips
  • Linux Tips
  • Chromebook Tips

APCUG Q1 2022 Winter Reports

  • Meetup Club Alternative
  • Redo in ’22
  • Code of Ethics
  • Disclaimer on Your Website
  • Way for People to Unsubscribe from Your Group’s Emails
  • Copyright Infringement
  • Groups have drawings for prizes at their meetings
  • General How-To’s and Tips & Tricks for Member Groups
  • Advisor Region Reports
  • Dayton Microcomputer Association (DMA) is Seeking a Building for its (Presently Traveling) Computer Museum
  • Tech Tips
  • Apple Tips
  • Penguin (Linux) Tips
  • Chromebook Tips

APCUG Reports 2021-Fall

  • APCUG’S Learning Linux Wednesday Workshops
  • Amazon Smile
  • Cybersecurity with Bob Gostischa
  • APCUG Groups are again meeting in person
  • 2022 Membership Renewal
  • General How-To’s and Tips & Tricks for Member Groups
  • Region Reports
  • Tech Tips

APCUG Reports 2021-Summer

  • Reports Survey Results
  • Region Reports
  • Meeting Ideas
  • APCUG’s Grant program
  • How-To’s, Tips & Tricks for member groups
  • And much more….

APCUG Reports 2021-Spring

  • Help Wanted – Region 1 APCUG Representative
  • 2021 Wednesday Workshops
  • Meeting Ideas
  • How-To’s, Tips, and Tricks for member groups
  • Visit APCUG’s Website
  • Groups Sharing Meetings
  • New Speakers Bureau Presenters & Presentations
  • Grant program for member groups


  • 2020 Year in Review
  • Help Wanted – Region 1 APCUG Representative
  • Meeting Ideas
  • Winter 2021 VTC
  • How-To’s, Tips, and Tricks for member groups
  • Grant program for member groups

APCUG_Reports_2020-Fall (1)

  • Goodbye to President David Williams
  • Zoom Information
  • Meeting Ideas
  • How-Tos
  • 2021 Election Candidates

APCUG_Reports_2020-Summer (1)

  • Zoom Information
  • Meeting Ideas
  • Welcome to New Region 9 Group
  • How-Tos


  • APCUG groups are using Zoom to keep in touch with their members
  • Some groups are using one of the two free APCUG PRO accounts
  • Member groups are helping other member groups with Zoom
  • Meeting ideas
  • How-tos

APCUG_Reports_2020-Winter (1)

  • Meeting Ideas
  • Tips for member groups
  • Winter VTC, February 8
  • Has your group taken advantage of APCUG’s Grant Program?


  • Florida Regional Technology Conference Wrap-up
  • 2019 Contest Winners – eBulletin, Newletter, Website and Digital Photo
  • 2020 Advisor Elections
  • Data Privacy Day 1/28/20
  • Grant Program
  • Is this the future of technology user groups?
  • General Tips


  • 2019 Florida Technology Conference
  • Detailed 2019 Contest information
  • APCUG’s Grant program
  • How-tos, Tips & Tricks for member groups
  • Using a Mobile Hot Spot
  • And much more….

APCUG_Reports_2019-Spring (1)

  • 2019 Contest Information
  • Articles on what is happening in each region – approx. 20 meeting ideas
  • Takes a Team Effort for a UG to Survive
  • Meeting Speaker Wants to Plug in What?
  • Help UG Reach Beyond Your Members
  • Getting Timely Information to Your Club Members
  • Update list of Speakers Bureau Presentations


  • 2018 Contest Winners
  • 2018 Volunteer of the Year
  • Region articles with meeting ideas and more
  • Meet the new Region 9 Advisor
  • Gabe Goldberg’s Tips & Tricks for Member Groups
  • STUG (Sarasota Technology Users Group) thanks it’s volunteers – does your group?


  • Region Reports
  • Meeting / Fundraising ideas
  • Jere’s Apple & Tech Tips
  • “Free” John Kennedy’s Linux Tips
  • Chromebook Tips
  • Gabe’s UG Tips
  • Hewie Poplock’s Your User Group is like a Shopping Mall
  • A Big Thank You to BobG, Avast Evangelilst, for making 20+ presentations to member groups during October, NCSAM


  • Region Reports
  • Meeting Ideas
  • Meet APCUG’s newest members
  • Snippets from Jere Minich’s Tech and Apple Tips, John Kennedy’s Linux tips, and Ron Brown’s Chromebook tips.
  • Ideas on inviting Apple, Linux, etc. tech groups to your meeting or social activity.
  • A kudo from one group to another
  • Does your group keep detailed records on the status of your members? How about keeping track of class/SIG attendance – what’s popular and what isn’t.
  • Do you have a PR flyer for your members to hand out or business cards they can give prospective members?
  • Can your members hear the presenters?
  • Do your members wear badges?
  • All this and more can be found in Q3 Reports.


  • Region Reports
  • Meeting Ideas
  • Solicit “New Guy” Feedback and Suggestions
  • Checklists Prevent Surprises, Embarrassment, Catastrophes
  • Prepare for Smooth Presentations
  • And Be a Smooth Presenter
  • Avoiding One More Presentation problem
  • Finally, Get Audience Feedback
  • Diversity — What’s That?
  • Presentations — Free, On Demand, Relevant, Brilliant


  • Region Reports
  • Data Privacy Day 2018
  • Program Activities
  • How Many is Enough (What’s the Ideal Board of Directors Size)?
  • Celebrate the New Year, Members, Volunteers, Milestones, and Resources
  • Show-and-Tell Demonstrations Make Great User Group Presentations
  • Do You Know Origin of the Word “SWAG”?
  • Why Should People Join Your Group?
  • Cash or Credit? Be Flexible and Modern!
  • Recordkeeping Pays Off


  • If you have forgotten your log-in and password for the UGLS, please send Lee Laughner an e-mail and she’ll reply with the information.
  • Do the members of your group read the newsletter and/or visit your website?
  • Region Reports
  • SIG (Special Interest Group) Ideas
  • Channel Islands PCUG (CA) has partnered with Mercury Broadcasting to host their podcasts.
  • Does your group have a break during your meeting for snacks and conversation?
  • Back to the Future for Presentations
  • It’s a Wonderful User Group — Thanks to You
  • Don’t Raffle Boredom
  • If you’re Not the CIA, Provide Full Information
  • How Many People Attended Your Last Meeting? How Do You Know?
  • Presentation Resources
  • Commit Marketing!


  • Region Advisors reports featuring what is happening with groups in their region, program ideas and more.
  • Jere’s Tech Tips and Apple Tech Tips
  • A Warm Welcome Encourages New Members to Revew
  • Make Meeting Raffles Interesting, Not Yawners
  • There’s More to Meeting Planning, Than Planning Meetings
  • Add Membership Value by Creating Between-Meeting Resources
  • Top 10 Reasons to Attend a VTC


  • Region Advisor reports featuring what is happening with groups in their region, program ideas and more.
  • 2016 Don Singleton Volunteer of the Year Recipients and Nominees
  • Who is on First at Your Group?
  • Liven up Website / Newsletter with Free Images
  • One Person’s Junk is Another’s Happy Find
  • Spread the Word to Nearby Groups
  • Kudos for Speaker Bureau Presenters

APCUG_Reports_2017-Q1 (1)

  • Region Advisor reports featuring what is happening with groups in their region, program ideas and more.
  • Look in Your Backyard for Volunteers and Leaders
  • Don’t Let Volunteers Toil Anonymously
  • Does Your Group Run Q&A Sessions
  • New Presentation Technologies
  • Informative Membership E-mails
  • Opt-Out Info / Can-Spam Act
  • Membership Application & Website Disclaimers


  • 2016 PR Contest Results
  • 2016 International Technology Conference Recap
  • 2016 Contest Winners
  • Region Reports
  • Tips for User Groups


  • 2016 International Technology Conference
  • 2016 Conference PR Contest
  • 2016 Digital Photo, Newsletter & Website Contests
  • 8/20 VTC
  • Region Reports – check out the meeting ideas
  • Streaming Presentations & Meetings
  • Tips For Your User Group
  • Are You Looking for a New Meeting Location?


  • Officer Reports
  • Region Reports with meeting ideas and more
  • General Articles…
  • Hints and Tips for a Successful Meeting
  • New Marketing Project
  • Recognizing Volunteers
  • Innovative Membership Benefits
  • Budget, Finanaces & Community Service


  • 2016 Early Bird Membership Contest Winners
  • 2015 Volunteer of the Year
  • Computertech 2016 “Never Stop Learning”
  • General Interest articles by Gabe Goldberg
  • Do you have an incentive for your members to bring in new members?
  • Your User Group is a Shopping Mall, Hewie Poplock, APCUG Rep, Central Florida Computer Society

Download PDF here

  • Annual Conference Wrap-up
  • Contest Winners
  • Early Bird Membership Contest
  • Recruiting New Members / Public Relations Idea
  • Region Reports
  • Volunteer of the Year information
  • Why your should be prepared when giving a presentation

Download PDF here

  • 2015 Conference info including detailed info about hotel reservations
  • Using VTC Videos for UG classroom training
  • Make sure you ‘Like’ the correct APCUG Facebook page
  • New website info
  • Region Articles – You will find info that will help with new ideas for your UG. Hooray! Four groups wrote their own articles or submitted information about what their group is doing.

Download PDF here

  • International Computer & Digital Technology Conference
  • Publicity Contest
  • Meeting Ideas
  • Computer Tech Conference Wrap up
  • Southwest Technology & Computer Conference
  • FACUG Fun Fundraising Event For All 501c3 Non-ProfitS
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • Do You Need New Presentations?
  • 2014 Don Singleton Volunteer of the Year Award
  • The Licking County Computer Society Has a New Name
  • APCUG’s 2015 International Tech Conference
  • Computer Tech 2015
  • Southwest Technology & Computer Conference
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • Geeky Grandma
  • Use and Share User Group Meeting Program Ideas
  • User Group Survival
  • Region / Officer Reports
  • 2014 Membership Contest

Download PDF here

  • Program and SIG (Special Interest Group) ideas
  • Using MeetUp to publicize meetings
  • I Had a Great Idea and It Did Not Work
  • Oldies but Goodies plus New Ideas
  • Region / Officer Articles

Download PDF here

  • Plan for Volunteer Transitions
  • Did You Learn One Thing? (at your club meeting)
  • NW Florida Association of Computer User Groups – Computer Tech 2014 Wrap-up
  • Top 10 Reasons to Attend a Virtual Technology Conference
  • Using Surveys
  • Region / Officer Articles

Download PDF here

  • APCUG to the Rescue
  • Is It Apathy?
  • Meeting Committee, Social Media, and How To!
  • My First User Group Meeting
  • Why Belonging to a User Group is Important to Me
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month
  • Are your User Group Meetings “kinda” Boring?
  • Some Tips for Writing for APCUG’s Website
  • Meetup Tech SIG
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • Marketing Your Club
  • Using
  • What Works
  • APCUG is Moving Forward! New Logo, New Tagline, New Website
  • SWIPCC has an international meeting with an honorary member attended the meeting from the United Kingdom
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • APCUG Today and Tomorrow
  • Be Kind to Your Vendors
  • Marketing 101
  • Region / Officer / Committee Reports

Download PDF here

  • Data Privacy Day
  • User Group Tips
  • Bring Back the Fun into User Group Meetings
  • Newsletter, the Heartbeat of Your User Group
  • APCUG Member Groups had Interesting Meetings – Perhaps you will get a few new ideas
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • Honoring Don Singleton with the Don Singleton Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Marketing Your Club 101
  • Presenting Without a Computer
  • 2013 Contest Winners
  • On the Spot Meeting Ideas and More
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • Ideas for Your User Group
  • Three Reasons to Keep Your Computer User Group Going
  • A Walk Down Memory Lane

Download PDF here

  • Virtual Conferences
  • 2012 Contests
  • Regular Reports to User Group Members Keep Them Informed / Involved
  • Is Your Meeting Boring?
  • Speakers Bureau
  • Region / Officer Reports

Download PDF here

  • Making Money for Your User Group
  • Reaching Out (to find new members)
  • A User Group Disbands, Why?
  • Need Help Finding Presentation Topics?
  • What Works
  • Cash, check and….what about credit cards?
  • Do You Have a Question?
  • Region / Officer Reports