APCUG’s FREE 2019 Fall Virtual Technology Conference (VTC34)

Thank you to the presenters and everyone who attended our last VTC for 2019.

February 8
May 2
August 15
November 7


Review by Leah Clark, President/Editor, Los Angeles Computer Society

As for previous VTCs, I made some extra coffee, stayed in my robe, and tuned into Zoom. As usual, the presentations were excellent. I learned much that I didn’t even know I wanted to learn. I attended two presentations, and I plan to pick up the others on YouTube when they are posted. Ron Brown showed how mobile technology can be lifesaving. Bill James gave a preview of new features coming with the Android 10 release. I only wish there was another day in each week to provide time to check them all out.

Saving Your Life with Technology, Ron Brown
Ron’s excellent presentation showed how technology can really save your life. He started by showing a video of a woman who had intermittent symptoms of light-headedness. But when she saw her doctor, she felt fine, and all the tests were normal. She eventually suffered a stroke. He explained the heart’s electrical wiring and what a slow or rapid pulse may indicate. Stroke victims often don’t know they have atrial fibrillation. Wearable technology, like the Apple Watch, can monitor the electrical activity of the heart and report trouble in real-time to prevent a serious incidence. Ron discussed other mobile technologies that can diagnose and can monitor if medications are working.

Android 10’s New Features, Bill James
The Android 10 update will be available soon. Bill explained some of the new features. Included options are a dark background, foldable smartphones, native 5G, notification options, background noise reduction, smart reply, better permissions control, full gesture-based navigation, built-in screen recording, Android Auto on your car display, and many Easter Eggs (hidden functions).

Review by DiAnne Binder, President, Royal Highlands Computer Club, Florida – I found Ron’s presentation very interesting. He brought very timely medical issues that are current to our age group. I plan on using his presentation for one of my 2020 meetings – maybe February, as I want to use Jere’s iOS 13 Update presentation or have him in person for the January meeting.

The medical information Ron presented was beneficial for all. I did not take many notes on that one, as I knew I wanted to have that at one of my meetings. I have an Apple watch and check my pulse and it helps me to remember to stand up and stretch during the day as I am at the computer or sitting much more than I should.

Jere’s iOS 13 presentation was also great, as I was somewhat confused with the new update. He pointed out some of the highlights of apps and features most people use. I usually keep up on those updates, but this one was really big. I actually had trouble finding all the features listed, so it was great to have Jere go over some of the top changes.

Of course, I listened to Bob again – he was at our October meeting via Zoom. Everyone loved him. He speaks so well and also makes it entertaining. His points are a reminder to keep up with security and the keys to staying cyber safe.


1:00 PM ET

Saving Your Life with Technology
Ron Brown, Program Chair, Silvercom Computer & Technology Club

In this presentation Ron wears both his Doctor and Technology hats. We start with a fictitious patient who lives alone in an RV Resort in Mesa and develops some medical issues that nearly cause a death. We look at common medical problems in the elderly that can be helped by wearable devices. Internet of Things (IoT) can also play a big role in helping seniors with isolation and communication.

Ron Brown Bio

Saving your life with technology-Ron Brown-APCUG VTC 11-2-19


2:00 PM ET

What’s New with iOS 13?

Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake Sumter Computer Society

 Email changes, downloading/saving photos; methods and changes, user interface changes (keyboard, mouse) and more will be discussed in this presentation.

Jere Minich Bio

iOS 13 What is new – Jere Minich – APCUG VTC – 11-2-19


3:00 PM ET

Protecting Your Digital Life

Bob Gostischa, IT Security Specialist; Avast Evangelist

Staying secure and guarding as much of our privacy as possible is a constant challenge. Between phishing, scams, ID theft, ransomware, data collection, and mobile malware, it’s never been more important to protect our digital life. Our security and privacy are constantly in danger of being attacked from many sources and Bob will explain the importance of guarding our online presence. This presentation covers how we can protect our presence on the web as well as our computers (Windows and Mac), tablets, smartphones, and other smart devices.

He will also share what he uses to keep his computers and smart devices as well as his connected Internet of Things devices secure.

Bob Gostischa Bio

Protecting Your Digital Life – Bob Gostischa – APCUG VTC 11-2-19



2:00 PM ET

 Android 10’s New Features

Bill James, Vice President, Computer Club of Oklahoma City

 Gesture navigation, Dark Mode, Smart Reply, new Security and Privacy options, Live Caption and more will be included in Bill’s presentation.

Bill James Bio

What’s New in Android 10 – Bill James – APCUG VTC 11-2-19


 3:00 PM ET

Easy Transition from Windows to Linux

John Kennedy, Webmaster, East Central Ohio Technology User’s Club

With the deadline for Microsoft dropping support for Windows 7 (and following that Windows 8.1) coming in a couple of months, many Windows users are wondering what options they have. They can buy a new computer which comes with Windows 10. They can hope that their older computer can upgrade to Windows 10. Or they can consider switching over to the Linux operating system which is both free and works great on older computers. Learn how easy it is to transition over to Linux with some cross-platform programs that you might already be using. John will be sharing the programs he used while a Windows user that he still uses as a Linux user. Using these programs will make the transition to Linux a breeze.

John Kennedy Bio

Easy Transition from Windows to Linux-John Kennedy-APCUG VTC 11-2-19



Annual Meeting

Open for general discussion
