APCUG 2019 Winter Virtual Technology Conference (VTC31)

February 9, 2019

Thanks to:

  • everyone who attended the VTC
  • Jere, Ron, Jeri, and Michael for their presentations
  • John, David, Judy, Bill and Jere for the Roundtable discussion
  • John Retterath, Leisure World Computer Club-Seal Beach for the pictures


1:00 PM ET

3 mini-presentations

  • Microsoft Security Center Windows 10
  • New Privacy Updates Windows 10
  • Password Managers for all devices

Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake Sumter Computer Society

Jere is a member of APCUG’s Speakers Bureau and, in addition to giving one-topic presentations, he also gives two or three mini-presentations that the requesting group chooses from a list he sends them. These are three of the mini-presentations he has given.

3 Mini Presentations, Jere Minich – APCUG VTC 2-9-2019


2:00 PM ET

Staying Connected While You Travel

Ron Brown, Program Chair, Program Coordinator, Silvercom Computer & Technology Club

Ron and his wife, Gail, have two daughters, one lives in Adelaide, Australia and the other in Beijing, China. Their home is in Vancouver Island in Canada but they spend four months in Mesa, AZ then travel to Australia and China by cruise ship. Needless to say, Ron needs to stay connected and with their rigorous travel schedule it can be challenging.

He put this presentation together in October 2018 while on the MS Noordam from Vancouver, Canada to Sydney, Australia. The presentation looks at the options you have and specific challenges for staying connected with air-land-sea travel. Whether you purchase a local Sim Card at your travel destination or use your carrier’s International plan can save you a lot of money. Planning ahead to stay connected is important and explained in this presentation.

Staying Connected while Travelling, Ron Brown – APCUG VTC 2-9-2019



1:00 PM ET


Jeri Steele, President, BGAMUG Computer Club

The major commercial genealogy sites all have census records. Where else can you find information about your ancestors? This will be a talk about locating and using genealogical sources besides the Census. Included will be free access to archives, military records, school records, and published books all accessible on the Internet for free.


Unusual Sources – Family History Research

Handout_Unusual Sources on the Web for Family History Research (1)

2:00 PM ET

The Future of Windows

Michael Shalkey

Michael will discuss how Microsoft makes money because that’s a good indication of what it’s going to do. He will also go over the history of how we got to where we are today. A platform like Windows is only as good as the programs that run on it and if no programs will run on it, it’s useless and Microsoft seems to care more about old programs and hardware than Apple does. As a developer, you don’t develop for an OS anymore but for a browser. Moving to Chrome will work. The bottom line is what do we need to do to get ready for upcoming changes.

Future of Windows, Michael Shalkey – APCUG VTC 2-9-2019


3:00 PM ET


Let’s talk. We’ll use Zoom and be able to see each other. Problems? How can APCUG help? We’re all looking for new ideas for our groups. Share your successes, program ideas, etc. with other groups.

Roundtable Discussion – APCUG VTC 2-9-2019
