Help For Your User Group

Kudos for Speakers Bureau Presenters

“HELPING MEMBER GROUPS HELP THEIR MEMBERS“ The Speakers Bureau is one the benefits many member groups take advantage of. They appreciate not having the same members having to give presentations to their group and the member-presenters like taking a break from giving them and not burning out. Here are some kudos for a few of the presentations: Central Florida Computer Society…

Effective Communication in Computer Clubs

The early days of personal computing were exciting, and each computer was somebody’s personal project. There were small computer shops everywhere, garage manufacturers, many magazines, books, TV and radio shows, and computer clubs, all trying to keep up. Then, PCs were considered to be a hobby, but since then the situation has changed dramatically. This…

Your User Group is a Shopping Mall

By Hewie Poplock, APCUG Rep, Central Florida Computer Society  Similarities between shopping malls and user groups are quite amazing. Gone are the shoppers looking for the traditional mall of the 1980s and 1990s. Times have changed. New and innovative shopping experiences have developed and are thriving. Many of the old indoor malls have empty store…