SB – Passwords

Using the Bitwarden Password Management System.  Are you using a password manager? Do you try to remember them? Keep them in a notebook? On your hard drive? John talks about why you should use a password manager and what Bitwarden can do for you. He says that the two main reasons he uses a Password Manager are “speed” and “convenience,” and proves that with his app demonstration.
John Kennedy, ECOTUC

What is a Password Manager?  How does it work?  Why should I have one?  Why am I so resistant to using one?  How safe are they in the Cloud?  Will a PM sync between my devices?  Free vs. yearly fee. Can I use it as a source for my digital asset manager to close my accounts?
Judy Taylour, SCV Computer Club 

Keeping Passwords Safe. We are told not to write down passwords, do not reuse passwords, and make passwords long and complex. Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group, will show you how to use free software that stores all your usernames and passwords along with related information and protects them with a single, very strong password. Don’t let your online accounts get compromised. It’s easy and free. (90 minutes)
Chris Taylor, Ottawa PCUG