SB – Digital Photography

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How to Buy a Digital Camera. When buying a digital camera, you face a bewildering array of choices. Chris Taylor, Ottawa PC Users’ Group President, and Orleans Photo Club Vice-president, will help “focus” your search for the ideal digital camera to fit your budget and suit the style of photography that interests you. (60 minutes)
Chris Taylor, Ottawa PCUG

Preserving Digital Photos. Digital photos ought to last forever. Digital photos don’t fade with time and can protect against natural disasters like fire and floods. That’s the theory, anyway. And yet, if you’re one of the millions of people with a digital camera, the chances of your great-grandchildren ever seeing your digital photos are very slim. Find out why the odds are stacked against you and what you can do to increase the chances that your family historian 200 years from now will be able to enjoy the photos you’re taking now.
Mark Schulman, Central Florida Computer Society

Who’s the Boss – You or Your Camera? Take your photography to the next level by getting your camera off “Auto” to achieve your desired creative effects. Learn how to tell your camera to capture what you see – don’t let it decide for you. Topics covered will include an understanding of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, which can be applied to any camera that has a dial for selecting exposure settings (e.g., “A” or “Av,” and “S” or “Tv”). Presented by Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group and Vice-president of the Orleans Photo Club. (90 minutes)
Chris Taylor, Ottawa PCUG