Gabe Goldberg
Gabe Goldberg, Advisor, Region 2
Gabe evangelizes for user groups, believing they are an antidote to feeling alone with technical activities, challenges, problems, and triumphs. He’s enjoyed being APCUG’s Region 2 Advisor for many years.
Gabe served as Director of (Meeting) Programs for the Washington, DC-area CPCUG (Capitol PCUG), one of the oldest and largest PC user groups, where he organized and chaired the Internet SIG. He also served on the User Support Team for CPCUG’s domain and on CPCUG’s Board of Directors. He was founding member and director of several local user groups, and held management jobs in a national IBM user group. He has given hundreds of presentations to these and other groups and conferences. He has facilitated and helped exploit donations of commercial hardware and software to user groups. He’s presently Director and APCUG Representative for PATACS, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society
Gabe is a technology writer, editor, and consultant targeting audiences from consumers to computer professionals.
He worked for a small software company as VP of Technology and Business Development, responsible for product planning, evolution, and development, along with documentation and customer support.
He also worked in the leading-edge data center of a federally-chartered not-for-profit consulting organization where he developed widely-used software tools aiding other installations’ mainframe use; before that he designed and developed operating systems at IBM.