VTC Presenters/Speakers

Jere Minich

Program Chair, Lake-Sumter Computer Society; APCUG Advisor, Region 5 Jere is the Program Director for the Lake-Sumter Computer Society in Florida. They meet weekly when the Lake Sumter Community College is in session. He is a computer systems analyst and retired from the U. S. Navy where he served on submarines and instructed on the…

Bill James

VP of Operations, Computer Club of Oklahoma City; APCUG Director, Region 8 Bill first became involved in a PC User’s Group in 1992 when he joined the Oklahoma PC User’s Group now known as the Computer Club of Oklahoma City to learn more about the computer he purchased. He has been a member of the…

Sheila Bigel

Member, Central Florida Computer Society Sheila had a career as an Elementary School Teacher and a Computer Programmer. After retiring, she decided to put both careers into use by volunteering to teach computers to seniors at a local Senior Center. She taught “intermediate” Windows for many years. After getting her first iPad, it was “love…

Wil Wakely

Past President, Seniors Computer Group Wil’s love affair with Personal Computers began in the days of Commodore and Atari, well before the PC was born. Since then, he has served as President of several computer clubs in San Diego including the now defunct San Diego Computer Society, UCHUG (still active after 35 plus years), Seniors…

Greg Skalka

President, Under the Computer Hood UG, California Greg has been a computer user group member for 30 years and has been the president of the Under the Computer Hood User Group (UCHUG) in San Diego since 1995. He has written over 250 newsletter columns and has given many presentations to his group on topics ranging…

David Williams

APCUG Director , Secretary, Online Services & Programs, Central Iowa Computer User Group David joined the Central Iowa Computer User Group in 1995. He has served in many positions including president, vice president and editor. He has served as secretary since 2004, responsible for using One Note for board meetings and the board sharing of…

John Kennedy

APCUG Advisor, Regions 6/7; Chair, Teaching Program, East Central Ohio Technology User Club. John is also a member of the APCUG Speakers Bureau; he has done a number of web presentations for computer groups around the country and has often presented at regional conferences in Ohio. John got his feet wet with computers in the…