APCUG 2013 Winter Virtual Technology Conference (VTC6)
Feb 2013 Q1 presentation descriptions & YouTube video links VTC 6
Are We Losing This Generation’s Photos?
Rick Santich, President, MotoPhotos
Today, more pictures are being taken than ever before. It is so easy to take pictures anytime and anywhere with digital cameras and smartphones. So, why will future generations never have a chance to see today’s pictures? Rick Santich, owner, MotoPhotos, Shaker Heights, Cleveland OH, will explain how to preserve your photos so they can always be viewed by others in the years ahead.
Are We Losing This Generation’s Photos – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – Rich Santich.pdf
Free And Shareware
Marie Vesta, APCUG President
Let’s learn the difference between “freeware” and “shareware”, and find out where to go for the safest downloads. A listing of sites to find free or bargain prices and I will tell you about some of my favorite free programs. This will be a fun and informative session.
Freeware_ Shareware – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – Marie Vesta.pdf
How To Publicize Your User Group (User Group Session)
Judy Taylour, Chair, APCUG Board of Advisors; President, Santa Clarita Valley Computer Club
Are you looking for new members? This presentation will give you an overview of ways you can publicize your user group / computer club.
How to Publicize Your Group – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – Judy Taylour.pdf
Ipad Basics And A Bit More
Greg West, Advisor Region 6 and International; Webmaster, Sarnia Computer Users Group
If you are questioning your answer to any of the below questions you might want to learn a few tips and tricks that even your friends may not know.
- Did you purchase an iPad and find it a bit of a mystery?
- Did you set up your iPad properly? Are you sure?
- Do you know how to secure your iPad?
- Do you know how to find your iPad if stolen?
- Did you backup your iPad? If not, you may be in trouble.
iPad – Getting Started – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – Greg West.pdf
To ‘Cloud’ Or Not To ‘Cloud’, That Is The Question
David Williams, APCUG Director
You have heard the term “the Cloud.” What does it mean? What can you do there? One of the great things you can do with “the Cloud” is to share and store data. That will be covered in this presentation. You will learn what you can do using cloud storage and also learn about some of the programs and spaces that can make your life easier. You have many devices, a desktop, laptop, tablet and a phone — how important is it for you to share files and information between them via “the Cloud.”
To Cloud or Not to Cloud – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – David Williams.pdf
Using Your Smartphone For Everything
Bill James, APCUG Advisor, Region 8; Vice President, Webmaster & Editor, Computer Club of Oklahoma City
Cellphones in the last few years have increasingly become part of our lives. When cameras were added to cellphones it changed how we perceived a phone. It then became a camera phone that allowed us to transmit pictures to our friends and family within moments. Instant messaging was a part of the PC world but when it was introduced on our phones as texting, it was immediately adopted by the younger generation supplanting almost all voice communication. In this presentation we will look at some of the Apps that are available on Smartphones that will allow you to work, play and really use your Smartphone for virtually everything. Although the Android phone will be the primary instrument used in this presentation, the concepts can be applied to both Apple and Android products.
Using Smartphone for Everything-Pt. 2 – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – Bill James.pdf
Windows 8 — Mysteries And Misconceptions Explained
Frances Chao, Member, Tucson Computer Society, AZ
It boots up and shuts down faster and it runs slightly faster than any prior version of Windows. However, it will seem mysterious to you, especially if you have been reading online and print articles which are full of misconceptions about Windows 8. This presentation will uncover many of the mysteries.
Windows 8 Mysteries – APCUG VTC 2-2-13 – Francis Chao.pdf