APCUG 2013 Spring Virtual Technology Conference (VTC7)

2013 Q2 Spring Descriptions, YouTube links and presentation handouts.


A Comparison of SkyDrive, Google Drive, Box and iCloud
Francis Chao, Member, Tucson Computer Society, AZ

This detailed comparison between four cloud storage services will provide you with the objective information for selecting which one(s) to use. With Microsoft’s SkyDrive you get 7 GB of free storage space; and Google Drive, Box and iCloud offer 5 GB of free storage. They also offer additional storage at a price.


Comparison of Cloud Storage Services – APCUG VTC 5-4-13 – Francis Chao.pdf


How to Navigate the Windows 8 Start Screen with Your Mouse and Keyboard Shortcuts
Bill James, APUG Region 8 Advisor; Vice President, Editor & Webmaster, Computer Club of Oklahoma City

Windows 8 is two operating systems in one and it runs two different kinds of programs: traditional Windows programs and the Live Tile apps. Find out how to operate the Live Tiles by using your mouse and/or keyboard if you have a non-touch computer. There are mouse and keyboard equivalents for the touch gestures and this presentation will help you learn how to accomplish routine tasks.


Navigate Windows 8 Start Screen – APCUG VTC 5-4-13 – Bill James.pdf



Linux on the Desktop
Orv Beach, Training Chair, Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE)

Linux on your home firewall and router and media center and video security system and…  Easier than you think!



Program Ideas
Judy Taylour, APCUG Board of Advisors Chair; President, Santa Clarita Valley Computer Club, California

We are all scrambling to find presentations for our user groups and many of us are tired of seeing the same presenters and those presenters are probably tired of being the only person giving presentations to your group. Are you thinking out-of-the-box to come up with new programs? You just might get some new ideas from this presentation.


Program Ideas – APCUG VTC 5-4-13 – Judy Taylour.pdf


Sharing Family Stories on Your iPad and Online
Jeri Steele, President, Bowling Green Area Microcomputer User Group, Inc., Kentucky

Everyone has stories to tell. It’s fun to hear these family stories but many people don’t capture them because you have to record, edit and then find some way to distribute them. The iPad and various online services make the process extremely simple. Come hear how you can create books, mini-movies or audio stories. Some of the websites are LegacyStories.com, 1000memories.com and the apps include Heirloom & Evernote.com.


Sharing Family Stories_Online_iPad – APCUG VTC 5-4-13 – Jeri Steele.pdf


Spring Clean Your Computer AKA Performing Computer Maintenance
Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake Sumter Computer Society, Florida

Happiness is a clean computer! You will learn how to properly care for your desktop or laptop computer to ensure optimal performance through the routine maintenance necessary to keep your computer running smoothly. You will also learn about some utilities that can accomplish these tasks for you.


Spring Clean Your Computer – APCUG VTC 5-4-13 – Jere Minich.pdf


Why Engage in Social Media
David Williams, APCUG Director

You ask, why I should ‘attend’ this presentation — I don’t need or use Social Media. Well, that is the reason you should attend. What is “Social Media”? Why should I care? You use some form of social media every day. We will be talking about the different types and forms social media takes. We will talk about how you can get more information that you want and need without having to search endlessly to find it.

You do not have to sign up for Facebook or Twitter to engage in social media, but we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages to help you plan your strategy.

We will talk about how you can uses different types of social media to target the information you need.


Why Engage in Social Media – APCUG VTC 5-4-13 – David Williams.pdf