APCUG 2012 Spring Virtual Technology Conference (VTC3)
2012 Q2 Descriptions – YouTube links
Download and Install Software
Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake-Sumter Computer Society
Yes, there are tricks to downloading and installing software. This session will let help make you more comfortable with the process as well as how to make sure you can restore your computer to where it was before the process … just in case.
Download and Install Software – Jere Minich – APCUG VTC 5-5-12.pdf
Windows 8 Consumer Preview
Francis Chao, Member, Tucson Computer Society & Greater South Bay PCUG, CA
A Second Look into the Future of Windows The Windows 8 Consumer Preview provides us with a second look into the rapidly-approaching future of the Windows operating system. Windows 8 will have both the old, legacy Desktop user interface and the new Metro Start Screen. Both the Metro Start Screen and the legacy Desktop of Windows 8 share some new features: Hot Corners, Charms buttons, screen Snap resizing, Switching Lists, File History backup, Storage Spaces (drive/partition synchronization), Metro Search, bootable Windows 8 To Go/Portable Desktop USB flash drives and external drives, automatic backup to SkyDrive, etc.
Judy Taylour, APCUG Board of Advisors Chair; President, SCV Computer Club
We all like to save money and, luckily, great contributions to computer users have been made by freeware authors. You’ll have the opportunity to get an overview of some of those programs as well as programs offered by major software vendors. Attendees will be sent a handout with the URLs of the programs featured in the presentation as well other free programs.
Save $$ With Free Sofware – Judy Taylour – APCUG VTC 5-5-12.pdf
Mac for Newbies
Greg West, APCUG Advisor, Region 6 & International; Vice President, Sarnnia Computer User Group, Canada
Why a Mac? Learn what an Apple computer can do. After 50 minutes in this Mac seminar, you will be rushing out to get your first Mac. See why more people are switching from Windows to Macs in this Basic Mac seminar.
Using Your SmartPhone for Everything —- Oh Really!
Bill James, Advisor, Region 8; Vice President, Editor & Webmaster, Computer Club of Oklahoma City
In this presentation we will look at some of the Apps that are available on smartphones that will allow you to work, play and really use your Smartphone for virtually everything. Although the android phone will be the primary instrument used in this presentation, the concepts can be applied to both Apple and Android products.
Using Your Smartphone for Everything – Oh really – Bill James – APCUG VTC 5-5-12.pdf
Judy Taylour, APCUG Board of Advisors Chair; President, SCV Computer Club
Brainstorming is solving specific problems, amassing information, stimulating creative thinking, developing new ideas, etc., by participating in a discussion. And that’s what we are going to do during this session. You name it and we’ll talk about it: publicity, programs, officer burnout, websites, newsletters, volunteers (or lack thereof)….. The session will revolve around the topics the attendees are interested in discussing. If your group needs a solution to a problem, there is usually someone out there who has come up with an answer.