SB – User Groups

APCUG and Your $50.  Your user group has rejoined APCUG for another year but is it using all of the benefits that are offered to member groups? This presentation will show you about those benefits; you might find some you aren’t using and your members will find worthwhile.
Judy Taylour, Chair, APCUG Board of Advisors

How to Publicize Your User Group.  Are you looking for new members? This presentation will give you an overview of many ways you can publicize your user group / computer club.
Judy Taylour, Chair, APCUG Board of Advisors

Ideas for Revitalizing Your User Group.  APCUG member groups were surveyed in 2007, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2016 – asking about the top challenges for their group; 50-60 groups usually responded. Over the years, the topics have mostly been the same: lack of volunteers, maintaining and increasing membership, officer burn-out, presentation ideas, finding presenters, attendance at meetings….
This presentation answers some of those questions for your group
Judy Taylour, Chair, APCUG Board of Advisors

Presentations, General Meetings, Board Meetings, and Conferences with Zoom.  Learn to use the program APCUG uses for Virtual Technology Conferences, SLO Bytes in California uses for their board meetings, and the Potomac Area Computer and Technology Society uses to stream meetings to members who are unable to attend. John’s group also does this.
John Kennedy, East Central Ohio Technology Users Club

Tips for Getting Presentations for Your Group.  We are all scrambling to find presentations for our user groups and many of us are tired of seeing the same presenters and those presenters are probably tired of being the only person giving presentations to your group. Are you thinking out-of-the-box to come up with new programs? You just might get some new ideas from this presentation.
Judy Taylour, Chair, APCUG Board of Advisors