Contests 2019
APCUG’s 2019 Contests begin September 1 and end September 30
**Contests are only open to APCUG-member groups**
APCUG is pleased to announce its 2019 Contest categories: eBulletin, Digital Photography, Newsletter, and Website.
This year we have added a new category to the competition – the eBulletin. Many groups are keeping their members up-to-date on their group’s activities by including links to information about SIGs, classes, etc. as well as emerging technology, links to ‘How-To’ articles, information about smart devices, computers, and more via a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly eBulletin. This is another form of communicating with members to keep them engaged with your club.
- Information about entering the contests will be sent in early August.
- Submissions must be received September 1 through the 30th.
- Judging will take place through October 15.
- Winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting held after the November 2 Virtual Technology Conference.
eBulletin Contest
This year APCUG is launching a new category – the eBulletin.
A new format for communicating with groups is emerging and that is the eBulletin using internet software services such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse and others. With these services Groups are creating informational messages, usually for announcements or news to keep their members up-to-date with what is happening with their group as well as in the world of technology.
Judging Criteria:
- Format
- Club information
- Links to blog articles, etc.
Digital Photo Contest
The Digital Photo Contest will again showcase the talents of your group’s photographers!
Somewhere inside of all of us is a creative genius and APCUG wants to give your members the opportunity to grab the spotlight. They have “been there and done that” and snapped the picture; we encourage them to enter the digital photo contest.
- Animals
- Architecture – Design, cityscapes and landmarks
- Landscape
- People
Judging Criteria
- Composition
- Technical Skill
- Visual Impact
If a photographer won a prize in 2018, he/she is not eligible to enter the contest this year.
Newsletter Contest
Eligible contest entries include:
- Newsletters mailed to members
- PDF newsletters
- eNewsletters using an email service
Newsletters created in February and March 2019 are eligible for the contest.
Newsletter Judging Criteria
- User Group Information
- Editorial Content
- Layout & Presentation
If a group won a prize in 2018, it is not eligible to enter the contest this year.
Website Contest
APCUG encourages its member groups to create and maintain a website for member information as well as for promoting their group to non-members. If your group won an award in 2018 for its Website, it is not eligible to enter the contest this year.
Websites will be judged on the following criteria:
- Communication
- Organization / Navigation
- Visual Presentation / Design
- Creativity / Original Ideas / Content
- Accessibility
If a group won a prize in 2018, it is not eligible to enter the contest this year.